Kawaii Drawing Academy is the ONLY course of its kind that teaches you the creative process behind drawing YOUR OWN kawaii art and discovering your style. PLUS, we'll have weekly coaching sessions, so you get personalized feedback on your work.

Before we dive into all the juicy details, let me tell you exactly who this course is for:

You’ve always felt the creative calling. You believe the world needs more beauty and happiness, and you have a message to share. You want the tools to freely express your creativity, strengthen your belief in your creative self, and possibly make money with your art.

You love kawaii style, whether you are...

  1. New artist who hasn’t done much art since school days. But you want to be more creative, and the idea of doing art as a profession sounds amazing!

  2. Creative professional (writer, teacher, graphic designer) and you want to add adorable kawaii illustrations into your current work.

  3. Artist or illustrator, and you want to add kawaii style to your tool belt, so you can approach clients and publications for commission work

If any of these are YOU – you are in the right place, my dear friend. I will give you the tools, repeatable process, inspiration, and solid support for getting to a professional level with your kawaii art and defining your own unique style.

By the end of this course,

you will have:

  • Nailed your own unique artistic style (instead of imitating what’s already out there)

  • Created a set of your own unique kawaii characters that you can put on products to sell, add to your portfolio, or use in your other projects

  • Learned a reliable repeatable step-by-step process for designing professional kawaii characters in your own style (no more staring at a blank page)

  • Mastered the “kawaii formula” that you can apply any time to create exactly the drawings you envision

  • Learned how to apply the “kawaii formula” to draw people in different poses and doing different things

  • Expertly colored your kawaii drawings and learned different styles of shading for kawaii so you can apply them to your future art

  • Created complete scenes with backgrounds and storytelling that are ready for your portfolio and to share on social media

  • Took your drawings from hobby to PRO by learning how to identify mistakes in your drawings, how to fix them, and how to make your drawings look “finished”

"Tatyana is a beautiful kawaii artist and the most inspiring teacher you can have. You are in good hands!"





Enroll in Kawaii Drawing Academy Today





A few words from my gorgeous students:

It was YEARS since I did any drawing before I met you. I was afraid... But your way of breaking things down helped me get unstuck. I am happy to be drawing again! I'm thrilled that I trusted your process.

Cyndi Carlson

Graphic Designer

I love that you nurture our creativity and give us confidence to trust our own creativity. Before I became your student I didn’t even know I had a style. Now I actually feel like an artist. I can never thank you enough.

Sheila Hill

Instructional Designer

The difference between your courses and others is that other courses teach me technical skills that would need lots of practice. But your courses unlock the creativity that's already hidden inside me.

Tammy Bowen

Digital Artist & Illustrator

What's Inside

Kawaii Drawing Academy



Research and Ideas

I spent the past 10 years learning, drawing and teaching kawaii. I know exactly what goes into creating professional illustrations, where you can get stuck, and how important it is to have a reliable repeatable creative process.


Here we’ll dive right into the first step of the creative process: research. You’ll learn how to do visual research for your art (without copying), how to choose your style, and how to use the world around you as inspiration.


You will make 2 key decisions in your creative process: what am I going to draw, and in what style. So many people never get past this! But you’ve got a reliable process to make these decisions quickly and reliably.



  • Learn how to use other artworks for inspiration without copying what’s already there

  • Turn photos or objects around you into interesting kawaii characters, so you are never stuck for ideas

  • Research different styles and decide on the characters you will create in this course, so you are laser-focused for the rest of the course and will create the best possible drawings.


Character Design Process

Here you will learn the A to Z steps for designing professional kawaii characters that look interesting and fit the message of your drawing. 


We’ll go through all the foundational building blocks of kawaii (faces, body shapes, hands, feet, accessories), and we’ll learn how to apply these building blocks to creating finished designs.


Kawaii characters don’t need to be limited to just food, animals or inanimate objects. Want to draw kawaii people and humanoid characters? I’ve got you covered! You will also learn how to adapt the kawaii formula to drawing people.



  • Understand the kawaii formula and how to apply it to successful character design

  • Learn the building blocks of kawaii and how to plug them into the kawaii formula, so you can effortlessly come up with interesting kawaii design every time you do it

  • Diversify your art by learning how to apply the kawaii formula to drawing adorable kawaii people


Color and Shading

Picking colors for a drawing is hard! You don’t want to be guessing here only to end up with a drawing that doesn’t look balanced and pleasing.


The good news is that you don’t have to.


I will teach you the principles of color theory, how to apply it to choose colors for your drawings, and the different shading styles for kawaii you can choose from.


But we’ll go beyond just coloring. You will also learn how to add finishing touches to make your drawings really stand out. 



  • Understand color theory (without over-complicating it) and how to apply it easily to your art

  • Master different shading styles and learn to apply them to your drawings

  • Make your drawings look 3-dimensional by adding shadows and highlights


Backgrounds and Storytelling

By now you can confidently create interesting characters, but characters alone are not enough to create a finished illustration.


Your characters need context. It’s time to create a story around your characters, and add any supporting elements to tell this story.


Here you will learn the principles of good design, and how to apply these principles to the overall composition.



  • Apply principles of good design to visually tell the story of your drawing in a way that looks aesthetically pleasing

  • Create interesting backgrounds that support the story of your drawing (instead of competing with the main character for attention)

  • Bring all the elements together to create a finished illustration


Professional Finish and Your Style

Sometimes you finish a drawing, and it just doesn't look right. The worst part – you don't know how to fix it.


Let's change that!


In this final module you will learn the specific elements to focus on to polish your drawings and bring them to PRO level.


You will learn to troubleshoot your work by checking it agains a checklist of elements that are likely to cause problems.


It's as simple as following a formula. No more feeling stuck!


You will also get crystal clear on how to incorporate your style into your work, so your work becomes instantly recognizable.


After this module, you will have a set of your own illustrations that are ready for your portfolio, for uploading to print-on-demand websites and for social media.



  • Learn to troubleshoot your drawings by checking them agains a checklist of elements that are likely to cause problems

  • Apply your unique style to your drawings in a way that's instantly recognizable

  • Polish your drawings to a professional level, so that they are ready to present to a client or to sell

Plus 1 extra "implementation" week together to wrap up any remaining projects.

When you enroll during this special limited time period, you’ll have:

  • Nailed your own unique artistic style (instead of imitating what’s already out there)

  • Created a set of your own unique kawaii characters that you can put on products to sell, add to your portfolio, or use in your other projects

  • Learned a reliable repeatable step-by-step process for designing professional kawaii characters in your own style (no more staring at a blank page)

  • Mastered the “kawaii formula” that you can apply any time to create exactly the drawings you envision

  • Learned how to apply the “kawaii formula” to draw people in different poses and doing different things

  • Expertly colored your kawaii drawings and learned different styles of shading for kawaii so you can apply them to your future art

  • Created complete scenes with backgrounds and storytelling that are ready for your portfolio and to share on social media

  • Took your drawings from hobby to PRO by learning how to identify mistakes in your drawings, how to fix them, and how to make your drawings look “finished”

Plus these BONUSES to make sure you have everything you need to go PRO


6 weeks of live “Style Clinic” feedback sessions with Tatyana Deniz + private Kawaii Drawing Academy Facebook Group for students only

Get personalized feedback on your drawings each week via a group Zoom call with me, so you have a solid drawing result before moving on to the next module.

($197 Value)

What you will get:

  • 6 weeks of live “Style Clinic” feedback sessions with Tatyana Deniz via a group video call (possibly Zoom) to make sure you get answers to YOUR specific questions, and you are ready to move on to the next module

  • Engaged and supportive private Facebook community of students, to make sure you stay motivated and inspired to get to the finish line

  • Opportunity to share your work, get feedback from your fellow students, connect with other kawaii artists, and create long-lasting partnerships

  • After 6 weeks, you will move to my bigger Facebook group, where I host monthly live Q&A sessions, so you can continue to get feedback and stay connected with your art community


How to create seamless patterns that will get your work noticed (and sold!)

Learn how to create eye-catching seamless pattern designs with the drawings you create in this course, and export them for uploading to print-on-demand websites

($97 Value)

What you will learn:

  • Designs principles to consider when creating a successful pattern (layout, color, dynamic energy, and more)

  • How to create a seamless pattern using vector illustrations in Adobe Illustrator

  • How to create a seamless pattern using pixel illustrations (for example, after scanning your hand-drawn art) using Adobe Photoshop

  • How to save and export your pattern tiles for print-on-demand




Enroll in Kawaii Drawing Academy Today





Plus you’ll be backed by a risk-free 30-day guarantee


When you join Kawaii Drawing Academy, you receive a proven step-by-step roadmap to drawing professional kawaii illustrations in your own style.


You become a member of a highly engaged and supportive community that will continue to grow with you.


I am 100% confident in your success, and I want you to be 100% satisfied too.


In 6 weeks you will have the skills you need to draw, color, and create finished illustrations.


If you do the work and you still don’t feel satisfied with the characters you are creating in this course, simply email me, attach your process drawings, and I will refund your investment.

Answers to your burning Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How is this course delivered?

Is this course for drawing digitally or for drawing by hand?

Do I need to buy any special programs or materials to do this course?

I am not sure I am talented at drawing. Will this course work for me?​

Can’t I get free tutorials on YouTube?

I haven't done any drawing since I was a kid. Is this course too advanced for me?

Will I learn how to draw kawaii people?

Will you teach me how color & shade?

Is this course suitable for children?

Will I have access to all the materials and recordings after the course?​

Will Tatyana be available and accessible to answer my questions if I get stuck?​



Enroll in Kawaii Drawing Academy Today





Still thinking about it?...

Give Kawaii Drawing Academy a 30 day risk-free chance if any of these feel true for you:

You’ve wanted to learn how to draw for... YEARS!

You’ve always felt a call to create (even if you didn’t actively practice it). You had some art lessons in school, but nothing since then.


Or maybe you did do art in your later years, but it didn’t go anywhere.


It’s time to change this!


You have a dream. You have a message to share with the world. You ARE creative and should be recognized for it.


Now you want the tools to get there in a fun and clear step-by-step way.

You are so ready to step into the artist you are!

You hear the creative calling. You’ve got what it takes to take your art to PRO level and share it with the world through consistent action.


That’s what makes you different from other dabblers out there who are not following a PROVEN path.


All you need right now is a trusted roadmap to follow so that you don’t waste your time and energy on the wrong path.


You are excited to jump in and start the work!


And because Kawaii Drawing Academy is the most comprehensive STEP-BY-STEP program for drawing professional kawaii in your own style with built-in personalized feedback sessions, you have total confidence that when you show up and do each step, you will create the drawings you love. Even more, you will be ready for the next phase of your creative career - making money with your art.

You know that Kawaii Drawing Academy will change your life!

Kawaii Drawing Academy is the best gift you can give yourself. It’s equivalent to doing a university degree that can cost thousands of dollars.


But right now you have direct access to me, my process, and my personalized feedback for 6 weeks for only $297.


It’s the lowest price Kawaii Drawing Academy will ever be. 


Use this opportunity to have direct access to my personal time and feedback before the course popularity and student numbers grow dramatically.


With this unique opportunity and the stack of extra bonuses, you know this decision will change your life for the better.

Don’t let this burst of inspiration pass by!

If you are nodding “yes” to any of these, I urge you to give Kawaii Drawing Academy this 30 day risk-free chance to transform your life and discover your creative potential.

"Tatyana is a FANTASTIC illustrator and designer. I've worked with Tatyana on a calendar illustration project at Quarto Publishing. Her illustrations are adorable! Exactly what I had imagined. You will have a great experience learning from her."



I am so excited to see your creative growth over these next 6 weeks

Believing in myself as an artist and taking steps to live this new reality has totally transformed my life.

I went from a soul-crushing corporate job to being published by big name publishers like Quarto (the publisher of PicCandle). I painted at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and I am becoming known for my art on social media.


But way more importantly, I feel that I am living the life of my dreams. I've always wanted to be an artist, and now I am living this truth.


So more than anything, I want to share this feeling with you today. 


If you are a total beginner who dreams of doing art, or you are a creative professional who wants to take their art to new levels – give yourself this risk-free chance to see what life might be like, when you have the skills and confidence to live like an artist.

  • To share your art with the world and be recognized for it

  • To create with joy and ease

  • To communicate the messages from your mind to paper

  • To create drawings you are proud to share with family, friends, colleagues, and the world

And along with these amazing experiences – to be ready to get paid for your art.


If you accept my invitation to spend the next 6 weeks making it happen, I personally guarantee that they will change your life in powerful and magical ways.


I am so excited to meet you inside our Kawaii Drawing Academy and to see your beautiful work. :)


With love,




Enroll in Kawaii Drawing Academy Today





© 2021 Tatyana Deniz